Admission Process

Step 1
Application Submission
Complete and submit the online application through our website.

*Parents also are encouraged to apply through a phone call without redirecting them to the website.

Step 2
Arrange Appointment
Application Submission will be followed shortly by a call from the admissions office (within 24 hours) to provide needed information and arrange for an assessment and parents meeting.
Step 3
Assessment Day
On the assessment day, the following documents are required to be handed in:

  • Copy of the pupil’s latest Academic Reports.
  • 2 original Birth Certificates.
  • 8 passport size photos
  • Copy of the child’s and parents’ IDs and Passports
  • Any medical reports (If applicable).
  • Copy of vaccination records (For Early Years applications)

*Parents should complete the application form, consents, and sign our payment policy during their visit.