
Home Learning Policy

Home Learning is an integral part of the learning process. Learning continues through the completion of home learning. Each student is expected to establish a home learning routine. The regular and consistent completion of home learning is an important part of each student’s academic programme. It fosters habits of self discipline, organization, preparation and independent work early in students’ lives as well as reinforcing, consolidating and revising work that has been covered in class.

In Key Stage 1 there will be an expectation for students to read and improve their English and other language skills whilst at home. In Key Stage 2 students in Years 3 to 6 are set reading, spelling and grammar tasks in English and pieces of Mathematics work. Also, there will be thematic home learning activities set. There will also be an expectation for students to improve other language skills whilst at home. In Key Stage 3 each week there will be home learning in English, Mathematics, Science, creative curriculum and Languages.

Each student is expected to keep a record of all home learning in their student diary, which is specifically for this purpose. All home learning should be completed and organized as guided by the subject teacher and should be dated. Subject teachers will communicate with parents if a student fails to present home learning assignments. Home learning and student planners are regularly checked by Class Teachers / Form Tutors during the Form Period. The following practices should be observed by all students in relation to their home learning and students planners:

  • Write separate entries for different subjects.
  • Write Subject and Task.
  • Write date to be entered when home learning is due.
  • When home learning is completed, place a tick to show this.

The Amount of Home learning


EYFS Book Sharing
Years 1-2 20 minutes per day, plus reading
Year 3-4 30 minutes per day, plus reading
Year 5-6 40 minutes per day, plus reading
Year 7 1 hour per day, plus reading


Supervised study is available after school through the Home learning Club which is part of ECA.

If no home learning has been set, students are expected to use the time available for revision,

working ahead, and/or preparation for the next test.


Student organization of home learning:

  • Record carefully the instructions for their home learning in the Home learning Diary.
  • Ask questions, when necessary, to clarify the assignment.
  • Before leaving school in the evening students should check that they have all the books and any other material needed for that night’s home learning.
  • Find a quiet place where possible and establish a routine to complete home learning.
  • Try to avoid all obvious distractions, TV, Radio, Phone calls, Text messages.
  • When possible, home learning should be completed early in the evening rather than late at night.
  • Try to complete home learning on the night it is given, even though it may not be required for the next day.
  • Design your own personal timetable for home learning. Allocate time for study and revision also.
  • Take notes when studying, highlight key areas, headings etc. These can be used later for revision.
  • Use your textbook or notes given in class to help you answer written questions.
  • Where the home learning involves solving problems, study the examples given in class first, before attempting the problems.
  • When you have to learn off material such as vocabulary, grammar, definitions, diagrams or formulae, test yourself regularly and keep testing until you know it.
  • Carefully plan home learning time for the completion of long-term projects.
  • Produce quality work on the day for which it is set.
  • When home learning is completed, timetable and school bag should be checked to ensure that all books, copies, PE gear, Art materials etc are ready for the next day



All students should bring the following equipment to the School every day:

  • Pencil case containing: uniball pens (blue and black gel pens), green pens, red pens, 2H pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser and a clear plastic ruler.
  • Set of coloring pencils, highlight pens, glue stick, suitable, safe non pointed scissors.
  • Scientific Calculator (for years 7 and above a calculator with trigonometric functions will be required).




  • Be caring and considerate to everyone
  • Be as polite and look as smart as you can, all the time
  • Work hard and to the best of your ability – be prepared for lessons
  • Listen carefully to adults in school and do what they ask
  • Look after books and equipment, and respect others and their property
  • Move around the school sensibly and quietly, taking care of the school environment
  • Work sensibly with other students, talking quietly and sharing with each other


  • The use of the English language is to be promoted and encouraged at all times
  • Wear correct uniform at all times
  • Bring correct equipment to school
  • No chewing gum, nuts of any variety includes nutella, sweets, crisps or fizzy drinks are allowed in school
  • Move between lessons quietly and without delay – walk on the right side, being especially careful on the stairs
  • Running is only allowed in outside play areas
  • Stay within the school grounds at all time
  • No make-up is to be worn in school
  • Hair must always be clean and tidy, worn off the face and styled so as not to invite comment for any reason. For practical subjects and for safety reasons, students may be
  • required to tie their hair back so must have a hair tie with them.
  • Boys must be clean shaven.
  • No jewelry may be worn in school, except for studded earrings in the lobe of the ear (one pair) and watches – no smartwatches to be worn.
  • No mobile phones to be used in school, to be given to teachers in Form Period and returned at the end of the day.


Students are expected to observe common sense and good manners at all times, to maintain a high standard of personal bearing and dress, and to strive for friendly interaction between themselves and all staff at all times. Students are responsible for keeping their school tidy.



The Kent College West Cairo code of classroom behavior requires students to comply with the

following expectations:

  • Arriving promptly for class with the correct equipment and books
  • Address adults with formal courtesy at all times
  • Show respect for others in class, speaking and acting in a polite and considerate manner
  • Be attentive during the lesson
  • If you arrive late for a lesson, knock on the door, enter quietly, and apologize to the teacher
  • Stand up quietly when a visitor enters the classroom
  • At the end of a lesson leave the classroom tidy
  • Accept reprimand from your teachers with good grace if you fall short of these expectations



We look forward to celebrating your child’s special day with them. If you would like to send in a cake for them to share with their classmates, please ensure they are individual cupcakes and contain no nuts or nut products, such as Nutella. 2 family members may attend the celebration when agreed in advance with your Class Teacher.

Please note party bags, or any other treats, are not allowed to be distributed.



Regular School attendance is essential for good academic work. School attendance will be  aken at 7:45am each morning. Students arriving after this time must report to Reception to be registered. Kent College West Cairo is a secure campus, and students may not leave the school premises without written permission during school hours.


In case of absence due to illness, parents should call the office after 7.45am and before 9.00am on the morning of the student’s absence. The School Receptionist will call home if no call has been received. Upon returning to school after any absence, a note explaining the circumstances should be handed to the school office. If a student is absent for 3 days or more due to illness, a doctor’s certificate is required upon his / her return to school.


Medical visits, visa interviews and other appointments should be planned outside the school day. However, if it is necessary to leave school early on a particular day, the Class Teacher / Form Tutor needs to be informed at least a day in advance and a parental note explaining the circumstances should be given to reception.


If a student has permission to leave school during the school day they must sign out when they leave and sign in when they return. The signing out book can be found at Reception. If a student is going to be absent for an extended period of time due to personal circumstances, parents should contact the school to discuss the matter with the Class Teacher / Form Tutor and ask for the Headmaster’s approval. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and make-up work and assignments missed when absent. Absence due to extended vacations or family trips during school time is strongly discouraged. A student must have regular school attendance, in case of absence due to unauthorized circumstances. It is expected that a Student’s attendance is over 95%. Calendar dates must be respected and followed accurately so students don’t miss curriculum time.



Each student from FS1 upwards belongs to one of the four School Houses.

Aims of a House system are to:

  • Give the students a focus of identity outside their class group
  • Provide competition in sports
  • Give an added incentive to work hard in all subjects
  • Enable students to identify with students and staff outside their own year group

The House system provides a focus for students. House points are gained for academic, pastoral and sporting achievements throughout the year. House and sports cups are awarded annually to recognise these achievements.



School wear should be comfortable, practical, and appropriate for the working day and portray a good image of the school to all visitors:

All students will wear the approved school uniform.

  • Shoes must be black and style must be plain. Black trainers are not allowed. Shoes should be sensible (for girls’ shoes must have a heel of no more than 3 cm).
  • Hair must be clean and tidy, and for boys of reasonable length above the collar. Girls must wear long hair tied back during the school day, with a black hair band.
  • Blazers must be worn around the school and can be taken off in the classrooms and at lunch.
  • Skirts must be knee length and shirts must be tucked in.


The School Doctor and Nurse are on call throughout the school day.

  • No student is to take a course of treatment or prescription medicine at school without the School Doctor’s knowledge and permission.
  • Accidents or emergencies must be reported to the Doctor at once whenever they occur.
  • Before visiting the Doctor students should report to the Nurse and have their names entered in the Attendance Book.
  • After a visit to the Doctor / Nurse students will be given a medical note which they must show to their Class Teacher / Form Tutor.
  • Parents will be informed about any medical issues occurring at the school.

Should a student become ill during the day, the Doctor will arrange for appropriate medical aid and inform both teachers and parents. Students should not return to class without a medical note from the Doctor or Nurse. Students should not leave school because of illness without first consulting with the Doctor. The Doctor will contact the student’s parents and make arrangements for the student to go home. Students excused by the School Doctor must inform the Class Teacher / Form Tutor and sign out at the school office.


Students are expected to line up in an orderly fashion to receive food and drinks. The Dining Room is an area where the students can relax and converse with their friends and teachers. Loud talking and raised voices are not permitted. All students are expected to display good table manners and have a combined responsibility to keep the Dining Room as tidy as possible and to leave their tables clear and clean. After lunch, students may play in the playground or go to the library.


Mobile telephones and Music Players (IPOD, MP3, etc.) and other electronic items are not necessary during a working School day, and students are requested not to bring them to School. Any mobile telephone or music player brought to School will be looked after by the Form Tutor, and returned at the end of a School day.

If calls need to be made home then the School Office telephone in the Reception area may be used for urgent calls to parents/guardians, but only with written permission from your Class Teacher / Form Tutor. Phone calls home should not be used to ask for things you have forgotten, to be brought in by your driver.



All Junior and Senior school students are assigned separate lockers with keys. It is the responsibility of the student to keep the locker tidy and secure. The lockers should always be locked when not in use. Students are responsible for the locker keys and for all damage to their lockers. All locker damage should be reported immediately to the School Office. Students opening other student’s lockers by whatever means is strictly forbidden. It should be noted that all lockers remain the property of Kent College West Cairo and can be inspected by appropriate school personnel.



  • All personal property is brought to school entirely at the owner’s risk.
  • Any damage to school property must be reported at once to the appropriate staff.
  • All students must respect the personal belongings of other students.
  • All students must respect the buildings, grounds and environment of the school.
  • Staff may inspect the possessions of students if they have reason to believe that they
  • might discover stolen property, illegal material, or other items that contravene school rules.


Kent College West Cairo is a mixed community and the boys and girls are encouraged to form friendships in a mature and responsible way. They are at different stages of development and in some respects have different needs, yet all derive strength from each other and from being part of the community:

  • We ask of our students that they cooperate with all their fellow students and treat them with respect
  • We encourage our students to be good examples of mutual respect and to be vigilant in seeking to check inappropriate behavior

Staff can play a positive role in helping students to cultivate a proper appreciation of one another and in supporting them at all times in this important aspect of a student’s development.


If you feel worried about something or if you wish to talk about how you are feeling or have a personal problem, there are many people available to listen, including your Class Teachers / Form Tutors, and Subject Teachers.

Remember your own friends may be able to help, or just an older boy or girl with whom you can talk in a relaxed way. Your Class Teacher and Form Tutor are always ready to help, as is any other member of staff you feel comfortable with.

There may be times when you do not feel able to talk with a member of staff, and this is perfectly normal. Other people you might communicate with include your parents and the Deputy Head and the Headmaster at the school.


All students have access to a broad, balanced and relevant education irrespective of their age, gender, race, background or disability. All have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

The active pursuit of these aims is evident in all activities and relationships involving staff and students. The curriculum takes into account the diversity of our society. Teaching styles encourage all students to participate in the classroom, and discourage the domination of lessons by any particular group. Any element of racism, whatever form it may take, will be swiftly and firmly dealt with. Students who persist in racist behavior must expect a formal warning from the Headmaster.



Sleep and proper rest are essential for learning. Please see the suggested bedtimes for our students.

Suggested bedtimes are the latest time:

FS1 7:30 PM
FS2 7:30 PM
Year 1 8:00 PM
Year 2 8:00 PM
Year 3 8:30 PM
Year 4 8:30 PM
Year 5 9:00 PM
Year 6 9:00 PM
Year 7 9:00 PM



I will do my best to:

  1. Come to school regularly and be on time for lessons and activities.
  2. Maintain a polite, respectful manner to all other members of the school community.
  3. Keep the school rules and be responsible for my own behavior.
  4. Work hard and listen carefully to instructions.
  5. Do my class-work and my home learning to the best of my ability.
  6. Wear the school uniform and follow the dress code.
  7. Treat others as I would like to be treated.
  8. Respect school property and the property of others.
  9. Speak in English at school to improve my English Language skills


Bullying is the wilful, conscious desire to hurt, threaten or frighten someone. It can take the form of physical assault, verbal abuse (including e-bullying such as the sending of hurtful notes, e-mails or text messages), abuse of property, or the deliberate isolation or exclusion of an individual. It is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of all members of the community to take action if they see it happening. To remain silent is to condone the action of the bully.

Older students are encouraged to keep an eye on isolated younger students, offer support to them and inform staff of their concern. Experience suggests that the role of older students is an important element in the well being of schools, not least in advising staff of the times and\ locations in school premises and grounds where bullying is likely to occur.

Should you be bullied, you are strongly encouraged to seek advice and help; the worst thing to do is not to tell anyone. Should you become aware that another student is being bullied, you have a clear responsibility and duty to seek advice and help. Bullying does not go away if you do nothing about it.

Unacceptable behavior will be reported immediately to the Class Teachers / Form Tutors and parents of the victim and the offender. If there is physical injury, the incident will be reported to the Headmaster. The Headmaster will consult with the relevant Class teacher / Form Tutor and they will jointly agree on what action to take. Advice, support and counseling will be offered to all parties involved, and, if necessary, to their parents. While recognising that both victim and bully need help, Kent College West Cairo does not subscribe to the ‘no blame’ approach.

Those guilty of bullying are not assumed to be irrecoverably bad. They will be encouraged to view their anti-social behavior objectively, and, given a change of heart on their part, the possibility of their restoration as valued members of the community will never be in doubt.



Use of the Kent College West Cairo computers and access to the Internet are provided to promote educational research and learning. This access is a privilege and not a right. The purpose of this policy is to define what is and what is not regarded as acceptable use. Students are required to read this policy and will be expected to observe it.

  1. Students will refrain from accessing any news groups, links, list servers, web pages which are considered offensive in the judgment of the Headmaster or his delegate because of violent, illegal, illicit or other content.
  2. Students will be courteous and will refrain from using any obscene, harassing or abusive language online and will report any cases of such use against them to one of the staff.
  3. Students must not use valuable internet time playing non-educational games.
  4. Students must not violate any copyright laws by posting or distributing copyright material.
  5. Students should know what is meant by ‘plagiarism’ and understand that it is unacceptable. Therefore they will only use downloaded material in an authorized manner as assignments, clearly acknowledging its source in a bibliography and specifying any directly quoted material.
  6. Students must not use the system in such a way as to disrupt the use of the network or work stations by other users. This includes all attempts to install or uninstall programmes without permission.
  7. Students must understand that operations which may be entirely acceptable with a standalone computer can have unexpected harmful consequences on the network and they must therefore not attempt to alter the system in any way. This includes insertion of unauthorized CDs, DVDs or USB sticks.
  8. Students must not use any other person’s password or trespass in any other person’s folders, work or files
  9. Students must understand that information they hold on the network (including email) is not private and may be inspected if there is reason to believe that an offense has been committed.
  10. Students must understand that the school reserves the right to check which internet sites they have visited and to withdraw access to the network to individuals or groups of students on reasonable suspicion that the above rules have been infringed.

The School will use a filtering system to regulate traffic on the Internet. This system is monitored and students who are found to have made repeated or persistent attempts to access blocked sites will be spoken to, their parents will be informed and their computer privileges may be withdrawn.


The purpose of extra-curricular activities within Kent College West Cairo is to promote the participation of all students; and to develop talent and skills of each student.

Students who choose to participate in the extra-curricular programme must accept the following code:

  1. It is an honor to represent Kent College West Cairo, not a right. This privilege may or may not be granted to me.
  2. All academic work must come first. It is expected that I work consistently to my academic ability and that I meet academic standards as decided by my teachers.
  3. In order to participate in an extracurricular activity, I must be in school the whole day of the activity, the exception being school-related absence.
  4. My behavior is to be at the highest standard set for all Kent College West Cairo students. This positive behavior is expected when away from school, as well as at home events.
  5. Attendance at all practises or rehearsals is expected. If I must be excused from a practice or rehearsal, I will talk with the adult in charge.
  6. I will participate in all events, unless otherwise excused.
  7. I understand that my family is expected to support my extra-curricular activity choices


Students are expected to be waiting, at the designated pick-up point, for the morning buses at least 5 minutes ahead of schedule, and to go promptly to the buses at the end of the school day. The buses will leave at the advertised departure time and as such, if you are late, you will miss the bus. It is then the parents responsibility to arrange alternative transport.

To be safe and keep others safe, the required conduct on school buses is:

  • Follow the instructions of the bus monitor at all times;
  • Wear a seatbelt at all times;
  • Stay in the bus seat until the bus has stopped moving;
  • Treat all others with respect;
  • Show care and consideration for others at all times;
  • Misbehavior on buses will not be tolerated and the privilege of using this service may be removed for repeat offenses.

Who should you see if you have a concern!


Who should you see if you have an administrative concern!